
Corresponding Author

Shorouk Mohamad Khedr

Subject Area

Architectural Engineering

Article Type



Historically, Performance assessment of temporary structures’ form was substantially dependent on how loads transfer along geometry. Fortunately, the development of tools has enabled designers to explore more design variations as well as testing their feasibility. This study aims to address the knowledge gap between design process, tool contributions and feasibility requirements of temporary structures. This will be achieved through analyzing the evolution of temporary structures’ design approaches including early form finding approaches, geometrical properties dependencies, reflections of both bottom -top and top-bottom approach as well as linking them to material innovations, structural contributions and manual experiments. As a result, the study ends with conclusion of efficiency controllers of temporary structures which include geometry, material and optimization process in addition to feasibility-related requirements. The study identifies potential future research regarding the possibility of scaling up the development strategies to be applicable on buildings, as temporary structures have simple architectural requirements, it pushes the boundaries of constructable geometries.


fabrication, computational design, performance-based design, material properties

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