
Corresponding Author

El-Midany, Tawfik

Subject Area

Production Engineering and Mechanical Design

Article Type

Original Study


Part programming involves the planning and specifications of the sequence of processing steps to be performed on the NC. It also involves , although less directly, the preparatrion of the input medium by which the processing instructions are communicated to the machine. Manual part programmer spends a substantial amount of time preparing a part program. Usually using a number of sketches or drawings derived from a design drawing, to describe raw material size , intermediate operation size and tool path. Every change of direction, intersection or blend point , requires time consuming and error prone calculations. Our previous work AUTOGMC System which generates automatic NC programs overcomes the NC manual programming problems. The work in hand, illustrates a comparative study between manual and Computer-Aided Part Programming (CAPP) with special reference to the economic point of view. This CAPP is the actual result from an integration system the benefits of that are great since data for each application does not have to be reentered , costly redefinition and reformating are eliminated. The investigation of this work has shown not less than 95% saving in time which in reality leads to a great saving in the total cost expanditure and no doubt more benefits should be expected i.e productivity, quality, etc. Thus one can say that fully integration for the Computer-Aided Engineering.
