
Corresponding Author

Abo-Gharbia, Fayez

Subject Area

Production Engineering and Mechanical Design

Article Type

Original Study


The second contribution presents the results of finish face milling in which the performance of THR K30 reported in terms of surface roughness and machined surface alterations when a low alloy steel in its hardened conditions was milled. The assessment of surface finish and the mechanisms involved in particular front and back cutting were defined. Details are given corresponding to the geometry of tool, elastic deformation and feed marks transferred to surface during front curling. Also, in back cutting, the surface refining by burnishing process on the trailing end culling edge was comprehensively explained. The effect of minor flank wear width on surface refining has been studied. Based on the findings, the THR K30 tool gave the least surface roughness value and the brightest surface. The surface roughness values could be the determining factor and provide the necessary information in a decision to change from surface grinding to face milling.
