
Corresponding Author

El-Habiby, Fawkia

Subject Area

Textile Engineering

Article Type

Original Study


The aim of the present work is to study the influence of combing ratio on Egyptian cotton fibres trying to find the most suitable combing ratio for these fibres. Comber laps were prepared from G70 and G75 cotton fibres and processed on comber at different combing ratios. The actual combing ratio was determined. It was 11, 11.8. 123, 4, 5, 6.8 and 9.6% for G70 cotton fibre and 11.9 13.8 15.8, 18, and 19.9% for G75 cotton fibre. Fibre length parameters were measured for comber laps, comber sliver and comber noil. Area under fibre length distribution curve was measured for comber slivers and comber noil. By an analysis of comer lap and comber sliver, fibre loss distribution and the actual probability of fibre loss were calculated. Resultes showed that, fibre loss decreases as fibre length increases and the actual probability of fibre loss is maximum for short and middle length groups. As combing ratio increases up to 15.7% the fibre loss in middle length groups increases and then decreases as combing ratio increases.
