
Corresponding Author

Kaddah, Sahar

Subject Area

Electrical Engineering

Article Type

Original Study


With the fast-paced changing technologies in the power industry, new power references addressing new technologies are coming to the market. So there is an urgent need to keep track of international experiences and activities taking place in the field of modern unit-commitment (UC) problem. UC is a nonlinear mixed integer optimization problem to schedule the operation of the generating units at minimum operating cost while satisfying the demand and other equality and inequality constrains. The UC problem has to determine the on/off state of the generating units at each hour of the planning period and optimally dispatch the load among the committed units. UC is the most significant optimization task in the operation of the power systems. Solving the UC problem for large power systems is computationally expensive. The complexity of the UC problems grows exponentially with the number of generating units especially by applying the deregulated rules in power system. Where in this environment the objective function is maximizing the profit while satisfying the regular unit commitment constrains in addition to new constrains such as bilateral and multilateral contracts. So in this paper, an exact mathematical optimization procedure called “dynamic programming.” is presented to solve of the UC problem in the deregulated environment. The proposed algorithm is implemented in MATLAB environment.


Dynamic programming; (DP); Unit Commitment; Deregulation; generation companies (GENCOs); Independent System Operator (ISO); market clearing price(MCP); optimization methods; power generation dispatch
