
Corresponding Author

Raafat, Islam

Subject Area

Architectural Engineering

Article Type

Original Study


The biological effects of architectural spaces are one of the methods used to discover the link between architectural spaces and health state of its users. Architectural history shows some models supports the existence of biological effects of architectural space, such as the Great Pyramid. This architectural model has been studied in a scientific manner and his biological effect has been proven in many scientific research.In this research, angles of the pyramid have been tested as one of the components of formality. Designed modules are configured from the four angles of the pyramid; these modules derived four simple forms reflect the pyramid's angles to be the basis of shapes represents a microcosm of the architectural space. Square shape was selected as the base of the fifth, control model to reflect the traditional module in architecture The simple biological systems, like bacteria, used to examine the hypothesis in researches relates to biological effects, then the complexity of systems more and more similar to the configuration of human. In this research, tested models in this research have been tested for E-coli bacteria. The result of the experiment confirmed that the spaces represent the pyramid angles are discouraging the growth of bacteria, as is the case in the pyramid itself. This result sets new rules for architectural spaces composition, and set bases for an extensive research project study the impact of the formation of spaces to human health.


الفراغ المعماري; التأثيرات الحيوية; طاقة الفراغ المعماري
