
Corresponding Author

El-Mahlawy, Marwa

Subject Area

Production Engineering and Mechanical Design

Article Type

Original Study


Metal casting is one of the most familiar processes .It used in many different industrial fields. Aluminum is regarded as one of the most highly used in metal casting. The previous researches studied the mechanical properties of aluminum alloys using either centrifugal casting or pressure die casting separately. The main objective of this research is improving these properties by combining centrifugal and pressure methods .This was procedure by designing a special machine. This machine works by three different methods centrifugal casting in different speeds, die pressure casting and combining both methods. The alloy used is Al 332.0_T5. The major factors that influence alloy selection for metal casting applications casting design, required properties, economic considerations and availability. The die was made from Carbon Steel EN 9. Pouring was performed in the different methods mentioned above. Tests were done on each sample to abstract which is better in mechanical properties. The tests done are wear test where the wear rate was calculated on each sample and hardness test using vikers methods for measuring hardness. The hardness test was done at Militarily Factory 63 in Helwan City. The wear test was carried out at Gear Laboratory at The Faculty of Engineering – Mansoura University.
