
Corresponding Author

Ali, Rola

Subject Area

Architectural Engineering

Article Type

Original Study


The use of traditional materials in rural Egypt was not as more of a behavior or style among villagers. The design and construction of rural buildings in these traditions was continuous throughout the twentieth century. However; when the rurality is beginning to mix with urbanism, it led to a variable degree of transformation and often clash. This transform does not necessarily mean being vital and the change is not always for the better as Hassan Fathy said. In this context; this paper aims to compare operating practices between traditional and modern building materials. It aims to establish a scientific debate on the subjects related to usage of such materials so as to recognize the potential of modernization patterns for sustainable building construction. To take advantage of using these criteria, the conclusion determines an evaluation that set elementary criteria of building material selection in order to attain better sustainability standards for the rurban communities in Egypt.


Traditional Building Materials; Modern building materials; Rurban; Sustainability
