
Corresponding Author

elawkali, elmustafa

Subject Area

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Article Type

Original Study


Pavement evaluation is a very important step for pavement preservation. The researcher suggests a technique for evaluating the flexible pavement in Libya. Due to the absence of an approved method by the Libyan government. To obtain appropriate data, this study used indices of pavements evaluation such as Pavement Condition Index (PCI), International Roughness Index (IRI) and Present Serviceability Index (PSI). and investigated their correlation with the Libyan Road Users’ Opinion (LRUO). The data showed that PSI has a moderate correlation with LRUO, IRI did not show agreement with LRUO, but it indicated a strong relationship between the LRUO and PCI with a correlation coefficient of 0.807 and R square 0.652. Moreover, the relations of PCI with other evaluation methods are strong with a correlation coefficient of 0.828and -0.734 for PSI and IRI. Also, develop a PCI model according to LRUO and IRI with R square 0.95 Standard error 8.9 Thus, the PCI can be determined more quickly and simply through LRUO and IRI. Finally, developed an arithmetic model for the Libyan roads pavement index (LRPI), based on PCI and IRI with R square 0.901 stander error of estimated 0.45.


Pavement evaluation; PCI; PSI; IRI; road users
