
Corresponding Author

Ashour, Islam

Subject Area

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Article Type

Original Study


With the accelerated development of multi constellation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), the field of satellite navigation is going through profound changes. Depending on a single constellation may not be sufficient to guarantee a successful positioning accuracy at any time. Consequently, having several constellations that can be used for positioning offers the opportunity to maintain continuous positioning. This became possible with the global coverage of other constellations such as (BeiDou, GLONASS, Galileo, and GPS). For engineering and scientific applications, this will present both opportunities and obstacles. This paper develops a 4-system positioning model for all the available observations from other GNSS and benefits from them. The important enhancement of satellite visibility, precision dilution, spatial geometry, accuracy, convergence, continuity, and reliability that combined use of multi-GNSS achieve to accurate positioning is attentively inspected and assessed, particularly in strained environments, overall, in the horizontal and 10 cm vertical components with precise orbits the multi-GSS PPP has a precise accuracy greater than 4 cm.


GPS; GNSS; Galileo; GLONASS; BeiDou
