
Corresponding Author

Ahmed Kamer Eldawla, Marwa

Subject Area

Architectural Engineering

Article Type

Original Study


The companies of the cities of the world are expanding and the number of their population increases annually, the street network remains. Reconsider reconsidering the thinking and visual of urban design and inspect the elements of urban design to serve the dimensions of urban design and its elements and its impact on human needs Therefore, the research is concerned with an analytical study of the development work for one of the main streets' models in the old cities (Al-Jaish Street in Tanta). This study is presented in three axes - The first axis: an analytical study of the relationship between the physical environmental elements and the dimensions of urban design to determine the most important problems that hinder the achievement of design dimensions Urban, Second Axis: A survey of users’ opinion to achieve human needs after the development of El-Jaish Street - Third Axis: Presenting proposals for solutions to problems that impede achieving the dimensions of urban design based on the achievement of human needs that have been reached from the results of the users’ questionnaire


human needs; urban design; Dimensions of urban design; urban design elements
