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Subject Area

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Article Type

Original Study


Highly efficient optical NOR gate based photonic crystal (Phc) is proposed and analyzed. The suggested NOR gate has a silicon (Si) dielectric in air arranged in a square lattice. The photonic bandgap of the proposed PhC structure is calculated using plane wave expansion (PWE) technique. Further, the propagation through the PhC NOR structure is studied by using finite element method. COMSOL Multiphysics software tool is used to simulate the propagation through the PhC NOR structure is investigated the finite element method (FEM). A low input power and minimal power loss are achieved using the proposed design. Further, short switching time of few picoseconds is obtained with a response time of 1.2 picoseconds and a switching rate of 133 GHz. Furthermore, a 150-mW input power per port may be employed with a little amount of power loss in the output port. In addition, in this design the out of plane scattering is eliminated from the PhC platform which has direct influence to enhance the efficiency. The reported optical NOR gate has also a small dimension of 21×12 μm2 which makes it a practical design for photonic integrated circuits (PICs)


Photonic crystal; optical T-shaped switch; optical logic gates; photonic integrated circuits (PICs); plan wave expanses (PWE)
