
Corresponding Author

Rania Badawy Shokry

Subject Area

Architectural Engineering

Article Type

Case Study


— New models are being created for the planning and administration of sustainable cities as the worldwide trend toward urbanization continues. To create Masdar City, a carbon-neutral, zero-waste city that would showcase cutting-edge sustainable city architecture, the Abu Dhabi government declared in 2006 that it intended to invest $22 billion in its construction. This study aims to focus on one of the indicators of the sustainability of cities, which is sustainable transport, and to clarify how sustainable transport can be translated from Theory to Practice, by standing on the concept of sustainable cities and sustainable transport that works to enhance the sustainability of these cities and contributing to global development, and the study found that Masdar City in Abu Dhabi is the first attempt in the Middle East to build a sustainable city, when The Masdar City initiative was launched to be the first carbon-neutral city in the world, with a comprehensive plan for a zero-transport system of emissions


urban sustainable transportation, urban sustainable indicators, Masdar City

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