
Subject Area

Architectural Engineering

Article Type

Original Study


Architectural design is uniquely complex, time-consuming work, so AI promises major benefits but also risks. Architectural design software programs have recently made an impressive development, especially those that use artificial intelligence. AI could transform design and construction with tools enabling generative design, parametric modeling, simulation, and optimization. However, AI’s impact remains unclear. Adoption depends on architects leveraging AI to augment judgment rather than replace it. Factors limiting AI include limited education/experience, threats to creative skills architects value, and unreliable AI design tools. While many see AI as an opportunity, not an endangerment, optimism and uncertainty prevail. AI may ultimately enhance design possibilities, not eliminate architects. With experimentation, benefits could include optimized performance, data insights, and offloading routine work. But this vision requires partnership, not replacement, of human design thinking. Barriers include job security concerns, lack of AI integration, and perception of automation threat instead of augmentation. But AI could catalyze new collaborative and sustainable solution-finding frontiers if progress is progressive rather than reactionary. This paper explores the Egyptian architects’ points of view regarding the significant evolution of that type of software and foresees their readiness to adapt to this decisive variable. It also provides recommendations that will guide architectural education strategies in the near future.


Artificial intelligence, architectural design, deep learning

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