
Subject Area

Material Science and Engineering

Article Type

Original Study


The chairman of “Hadisolb” had submitted a memorandum in 1977 in which he claimed that the company will never achieve its designed capacity unless it gets rid of the threatening impurities -high alkalis & MnO- in the blast furnace burden. Meanwhile, the DR steel companies are suffering from the generated accumulated wastes which contain > 67% Fe, zero% alkalis and traces of MnO. The novel idea here is finding the best ratio between El-Gedida ore and the waste material (W.M.). In a previous investigation a series of pilot-scale sintering experiments were performed and it was concluded that the blend containing 70% W.M. and 30% Ore has produced the best sinter. In this investigation, a series of industrial-scale experiments on sintering that best blend, followed by using the produced sinter as the only iron-bearing material in the burden of the industrial blast furnace experiments. The technical and the economic indices for the performed industrial-scale experiments proved the validity of the novel idea, to use blends composed of 70% W.M. and 30% El-Bahareya (El-Gedida) Ore as the only iron-bearing material in the blast furnaces of “Hadisolb” in order to get rid of the threatening impurities in El-Bahareya iron ores.


Pig iron; blast furnace; alkalis; iron & steel; iron ore

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