
Corresponding Author

Mohamed Hakam

Subject Area

Textile Engineering

Article Type

Original Study


This work aims to study engineering aspects of roving wound cartridge water filtration media according to material of filtration media and their packing densities, number of filtration cycles, and concentrations of suspended solids to investigate the effect of these factors on filtration efficiency (suspended solids removal), and water turbidity. Modified construction of filter cartridges depends on roving as filtration media were produced for water filtration. Filter cartridges were produced with three materials 100 % CO, 50%CO/50%PES blend, and 100% PES. Filtration processed through one and two filtration stages or cycles and filtration using two levels of suspended solids concentrations 3.6 and 10.8 gm/L. Finally, filtration efficiency and water turbidity tests were carried out to determine filtration performance of produced cartridges. The results show that the modified filters introduce suspended solids removal efficiencies are from 93.1 % to 99.1 % for the three materials. The 100% PES filter material is the best cartridge in filtration efficiency according to its high packing density compared to other material in this study. The second filtration cycle improves the suspended solids removal from 0.9% to 1.6% so, most of suspended solids are removed from filtered water during the first filtration cycles. The second stage or filtration cycles is recommended to improve or reduce turbidity of filtered water.


Rainfall water, cartridge filtration, Filtration efficiency, Roving filter media and Water turbidity.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
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