
Corresponding Author

Momen M. Ali

Subject Area

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Article Type

Special Issue Original Study


The primary objective of this study was to examine the behavior of reinforced concrete beams subjected to shear and torsion and strengthened with external CFRP sheets. To achieve this, seven reinforced concrete beams with identical cross section dimensions (300 mm × 200 mm), shear span (530 mm) were fabricated and tested under combined shear and torsion. Similar flexural and shear reinforcements were used for all specimens. The experimental program included one control specimen, without CFRP sheets, and six strengthened specimens utilizing different strengthening configurations of CFRP sheets. The key variables in the study were the strengthening configuration and the width of the CFRP sheet bands. Three distinct strengthening configurations were considered: one-face bonding, C-shaped configuration, and full wrapping. The C-shaped configuration was almost as efficient as the full wrapping while the one-face bonding was considerably the least efficient arrangement.


RC Beams, Torsion, Shear, Strengthening, CFRP, Finite Element Analysis, Numerical Modeling.

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